Chevallier- Faustino
FSP Psychotherapies
Audio- psycho - phonology psycho- therapeutic
Association of methods, benefits
"Audio-psycho-phonology psychotherapy" which could also be called "audio-psycho-phonological psychotherapy" refers to the association of the certified psychotherapy approach with the psycho-sensory training of Dr. Alfred Tomatis, for the purposes of psychological purposes and growth only, excluding speech therapy or other purposes belonging to other specialties.
Associating methods means respecting the following four elements simultaneously:
Regular psychotherapy meetings based on achieving the patient/client's goals
A neurosensory training under the psychologist's supervision, based on results of regular listening tests.
A training following the original guidelines given by Dr Alfred Tomatis, consisting of 90 to 120mn training sessions in suitable premises, for up to a total of 48 to 60 hours. It is done in three compact rounds, with analog equipment (best adjusted to brain functioning caracteristics).
This association facilitates more adjusted listening and verbalizing, two capacities which are crucial to the outcome of psychotherapy. The overall effects of the Dr Tomatis method ((emotional calming, reassociation of the functions of the inner ear (vestibule and cochlea) with vision, development of the synergistic functioning of the brain (right and left, cognitive and emotional), return of cerebral energy)) lead towards enhanced introspection, confidence, assertivity, initiative and creativity in the search for solutions, hence enhanced psychotherapy results.
When used within the context of a psychotherapy, Dr. Tomatis' method contributes to resolving psychological difficulties. Undetected handicaps of listening to oneself and others, plus narratives constructed on the basis of misunderstandings are the roots of many personal and interpersonal problems. However, without psychotherapy, there is little room for understanding, bouncing back, developing, and anchoring the unconscious changes the Dr Tomatis method produces. The reduction of symptoms and other psychological benefits will be better understood if regularly assessed with listening tests as well as explained by the psychologist.
Psychotherapy follow-up is particularly important in cases where clients/patients presents symptoms of dissociation, when there is a suspicion of trauma. Dr. Tomatis' method has been shown to bring back to the surface the memory of repressed events sometimes several months after the end of the neurosensory training, allowing for their resolution. In the case of chronic complex problematic situations, the method frees speech. However, without the space for reflection provided by the psychotherapeutic setting, the changes generated by the method - such as those described below - end up being ephemeral.
Associating methods allows to stabilize and anchor the following effects:

… through improved listening with both ears to the high frequencies that stimulate the brain and through improved brain integration of this data. This allows the person to regain their creativity, their capacity for initiative, their interest in their life and their surroundings, their vital impulse.
... by improving and balancing the listening by both ears of the low frequencies that stimulate movement; by improving the integration of vestibular and cochlear data; by improving the cerebral integration of this data with that of muscle tone... This allows the person to regain control of their body and improve their body schema, improve their posture and coordination, the fluidity and speed of their movements, their motor efficiency, their anchoring, their sense of security, with a reduced risk of falls and accidents, better organization and planning of tasks...

...through soothing and joyful sound materials, transmitted via the bone directly to the inner ear and the emotional brain; through the use of latency times between C2 to C1 switches via bone and eardrum which gives the individual the opportunity to adopt a "listening position" and gradually stop being in a "fight and flight" mode. It leads towards disminished anxiety, shyness, internal tensions and better control of emotionality.
...thanks to the gymnastics of the middle ear musculature produced by the electronic ear, auditory perception through the tympanic membrane improves. One has the impression of hearing and listening better...
...thanks to the work of the integrators between the parts of the brain that process the understanding of spoken language and the understanding of non-verbal aspects of communication (melody, rhythm, volume, timbre, context, background noise), attentive listening and empathy improve, we have the impression of understanding better...
...thanks to the work of the integrators between the parts of the brain that deal with spoken language and those that deal with listening to oneself and others, oral expression becomes more adapted and dialogue becomes possible... This allows not only exchange with others, but also self-control and integration within a group or team... not to mention the ability to pronounce correctly, to verbalize ideas fluently, to know a varied vocabulary, to use correct grammatical constructions, to sing in tune...

... The ability to connect all sensations together, images, sounds, kinesthetic sensations, emotions, depends on the integrated gaze and listening, which is the basis of learning through experience and the basis of the development of intelligence. The ability to connect symbols to sounds and to correctly memorize these relationships also depends on this, which is the basis of learning to read, spell and calculate. This integration also allows us to correctly understand the location of the moving body in space as a function of time, which is the basis of organization and planning.

... Looking and listening are intentional activities that reflect the integration at the cortex level of sensory data obtained about others and the surrounding environment by the right and left eye and ear with information from the body (pain, injuries, infections, inflammations) and the psyche (interests, emotions, needs). The functioning, development, learning, self-control, well-being and relationships with others will depend on the quality of this brain integration, in short, team play, the synchronization of the individual with his environment, with his loved ones.

... Some very complex realities require a great deal of insight, tenacity in observation and logic at the time of interpretation. Audio-psycho-phonological therapy acts directly on the brain. By inducing development at all levels, it eliminates what involuntarily holds us back and in doing so, it frees intelligence and discernment.